Rekindle Your Relationship's Fire: How Can Sex Toys Benefit Your Sex Life?

Over the past decade, the popularity of adult sex toys has increased greatly. According to research, the taboos surrounding vibrators and other devices intended to increase individual or mutual pleasure are dissolving as more and more individuals, as well as couples, reach for a more intimate type of technology. But still, there are a lot of people who have never incorporated sex toys into their sex life. If you are one of these people, it may be time to change that.

Why should you use a sex toy?

The benefits of using adult sex toys are huge. It is no secret that great sex can improve health and well being by improving your mood and physically making you feel good. Using a sex toy can spice up a weakening sex life and bring a bit of fun into your life. By promoting your circulation and the release of the 'feel-good hormones', a sex toy can make you feel great. For women, sex toys also have the power to increase the tone and elasticity of the vaginal wall and promote the release of vaginal secretions, which tend to decline as women get older, or as a result of ill health or side effects of medication. For man, sex toys can help improve or boost erectile function by offering different sexual stimulation, not possible during penetrative sex.

People should understand that sex isn't just about having sexual intercourse. When penetration is not possible, using a sex toy can bring great pleasure to both of you. Many couples are unable to have sex due to physical or emotional problems so using a toy can be of great help. Glass and metal sex toys are a great way to enjoy temperature play as they can be heated gently in warm water or cooled in the fridge for a completely different sexual sensation that many individuals love.

Some people wrongly assume that using sex toys can ruin their normal sex life. But the truth is, adult sex toys provide couples with the opportunity to fully express themselves sexually and increase their sexual pleasure, especially when using them to stimulate their partner. Couples can use sex toys to enhance their sexual satisfaction, introduce variety into a relationship which may have become boring and make sex fun. Having sex with the same person for many years can become a bit stale and a sex toy can help to make sexual intercourse more fun, pleasurable and exciting. Also, if you struggle to organs during penetrative sex toys can offer you new ways to have orgasms. Becoming aroused with the help of a sex toy is no different to any other way and my increase your pleasure.

Here some tips to introduce sex toys into your relationship.

No matter what stage you're in your relationship, you may not feel comfortable with the idea of introducing a sex toy in the bedroom. After all, it can be a daunting and intimidating task - what if your partner gets the wrong idea, or aren't interested? It is normal to be worried about talking about sex toys but you should know that it is totally okay to want to spice things up.

1. Communication is Key

The first step in introducing sex toys into your relationship is talking to your partners openly and honestly. Reassurance is the secret to introducing a new toy successfully. It is crucial to explain to your partner that you are not replacing him/her and that you want a toy for both of you to enjoy. If you get your partner excited about the idea, he/she will feel much more comfortable when it comes time to actually using the toy.

2. Take Small Steps

There is nothing worse than feeling inadequate in a relationship, and if your new toy is twice the size of your partner's penis, he's like to be a little bit self-conscious. So, start with something smaller with more abstract shape, and stay away from anything realistic and flesh-coloured until your partner is more comfortable with the idea.

3. Let Your Partner Choose 

With all the adult sex toys available on the market, it can be a bit overwhelming knowing what to get. But it shouldn't be just up to you. Involve your partner in the process to ensure your first toy is something that you both like and that you'll both benefit from. Reading customer reviews and product descriptions will help easy your minds and normalize the idea that it's common for a couple to experiment.

When choosing a sex toy, keep in mind that a lot of them aren't waterproof, so if you are planning to move things to the shower or bath, make sure that the toy you pick is waterproof. Likewise, some toys might only last an hour on a charge, so won't be ideal if you are planning a sexy weekend gateway - the last thing you will want is to be waiting around for your new toy to charge.


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